#219 Raekwon, 'Only Built 4 Cuban Linx' (1995)

Previously #480

Previously #480

Another record that appeared so far down the list last time that I hardly took notice (last time I only started reviewing records from 300 onwards, so often records would pass me by in those first 200). This record is Wu-Tang Clan member, Raekwon’s debut solo record and is considered one of the greatest Hip Hop records of all time, inspiring artists such as Jay-Z and Notorious B.I.G. A concept record or sorts, the album loosely runs like a film, with Raekwon as our hero, Ghostface as the guest star and RZA as the director.

Like the other Wu-Tang and offshoot albums produced by RZA, production-wise, this album is similar, interjecting classic movie samples in amongst the beats. I’ve mentioned previously that during this challenge I’ve come to realised that I really love Wu-Tang and their side projects, and this one is no different. It’s hardcore, yet smooth, funky, yet straight-shooting. With 18 songs, it’s a lot to take in and definitely needs a few listens to digest properly, something I’ll gladly do.



#218 TLC, 'CrazySexyCool' (1994)


#220 Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, 'Déjà Vu' (1970)