#351 Roxy Music, 'For Your Pleasure' (1973)

Previously #396

Previously #396

This album is nuts! Elaborate production (co-produced by the band themselves, but I suspect synth genius, Brian Eno was the main contribution on the band’s behalf) and an ode to a blow-up doll. Yes. A love song about a blow-up sex doll on the song ‘In Every Dream Home a Heartache’ with the jarring lyrics “I blew up your body/but you blew my mind!” I actually went back to make sure I heard what I heard. Both hilarious and sad. Bryan Ferry’s warble on ‘Beauty Queen’ reminded me of a lounge singer in a cheap velvet tux with a greasy combover.  

Interestingly, the model on the cover was Amanda Lear, Ferry’s girlfriend at the time, who later became a muse of Salvador Dali. Brian Eno’s fingerprints are all over it, musically. I didn’t hate the album. I found it interesting and different but not sure it really peaked my levels of excitement.



#352 Eminem, 'The Slim Shady LP' (1999)