#364 Talking Heads, 'More Songs About Buildings and Food' (1978)

Previously #384

Previously #384

The second album by Talking Heads gets straight into it with the rollicking ‘Thank You For Sending Me An Angel,’ and then straight into ‘With Our Love.’ Talking Heads made a statement with this record. They were a force to be reckoned with in New Wave music. David Byrne’s unique vocal delivery is immediately recognisable from the get go with a rhythm section that just does not quit. Heavily influencing the album’s sound is producer, Brian Eno, who was brought in to tighten up the sound of the band. And tighten it up he did.

The record seamlessly manoeuvres between New Wave to Alt Rock to the gospel stylings of Al Green’s ‘Take Me To The River,’ which, to be honest, sounds very much like a Talking Heads original. Took me 5 seconds to realise what I was listening to. While I enjoyed this album on the first listen, I really began to love it the second time around. Talking Heads is an acquired taste, but once you’ve got it, you’re in for a gastronomic adventure.



#363 Parliament, 'The Mothership Connection' (1975)


#365 Madvillain, 'Madvillainy' (2004)